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Day 14 - February 27

Posted by David Kell on

Then children were brought to him that he might lay his hands on them and pray. The  disciples rebuked the people, but Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven. “                                                                                                                                                   Matthew 19:13-14

The Kingdom of Heaven is a belief and concept that many of us struggle to understand. We believe; but are confused or distracted by all of the challenges and evils that surround us in our daily lives. We tend to think that the answers come with experience and time. As a 6th and 7th grade confirmation parent/teacher I have been blessed with the opportunity to see God through the eyes of our children. I wonder if they are truly more in touch with Christian beliefs than us adults. They see the world in a much simpler way by literally not over-thinking or being distracted by all of the issues of the world that make us adults overwhelmed. Their purity and openness to new ideas is a refreshing way to view the world that we live in.

I have learned that our children are much more in tune with Spirituality than we think they are. The amazing questions and conversations that we have had each Wednesday makes me wonder if they are really teaching me about how to communicate with God. I have learned so much from them , which has helped me grow personally and spiritually. If you have not recently asked a child what they think about Faith, I highly recommend throwing that out to your kids. I promise you will be amazed by where the conversation takes you.

I ask each of you to rediscover the child inside of you and open yourself to God from the simple viewpoint of the children. Remove the distractions of life chaos and allow God to enter your heart.  

Dear Lord, Please bless all the children, as well as the inner child in all of us. Through their innocence may we experience the joy of Jesus and the eternal greatness of His forgiveness.  May we all grow by becoming young again.
