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Day 19 - March 4

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God is our refuge and strength, Be still and know that I am God.                                                                                                  Psalm 46, verses 1 and 10.

This psalm has always spoken to my soul but it speaks louder to me each day and provides a comforting reminder that God has given me the strength and endurance necessary to weather the seasons of life. I have become acutely aware of significant life changes that are slowly   becoming my new reality. My parents are facing frailty and health challenges as they age, and I watch my daughters grow up and prepare to leave the nest in what seems like the blink of an eye. My long-term friend and business partner has relocated to the Twin Cities and has entered semi-retirement. Several people close to me are adjusting and executing lifestyle changes as their children will be leaving the nest before mine. 

I don’t like change all that much and this is not news to people who know me. I am comfortable with the life I have grown accustomed to and have struggled to let God take the wheel. I have a lot of “control issues.”  But I know I cannot stop or control the upcoming change and I must adapt to a new way of living and spending my time. I remind my heart and mind to “Be still.”  I know God is telling me to let go and let Him guide me. I will lean on God, be still, and listen, for He provides me with comfort, refuge, and strength. I am thankful for my life, family, and friends which are all amazing blessings given by God. 

Dear Jesus, please watch over this congregation, our families, friends and  coworkers.  Let us take care of each other as you have taken care of us. Let those who suffer from loss find healing and may we find support in one another during life’s many seasons.  Amen

