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Day 7 - February 20, 2018

Posted by Tracey Jenkinson on

Cast your burdens upon the Lord and He will sustain you.            Psalm 55:22 

On 2/2/15, I was “relieved of my duties” at a job I had been at for almost 17 years. In an instant, my income dropped and I was going to lose my family’s health insurance within 26 days. I’m not great at asking for help, but that night, I put a message out on Facebook and asked for people to help and pray for me. I was absolutely overwhelmed by the outpouring of support, prayer, and encouragement I received. I started a new job just 23 days later! As many of you know, that became a “crazy” job. I was working a crazy number of hours and was stressed to the max.

On 2/4/17, my mom gave me a “You are on my mind” card (I had shared with her how crazy my job was). In it was a copy of a devotional she read on 2/2/17 titled, “The Place for Burdens.” She also included a bible verse she had picked (at random) to accompany a hanky from her Bible Study Hanky Ministry. Psalm 55:22. I put it on my bedside table and decided to memorize it!

Little did I know that 6 days later, I would be out of a job again! REALLY?? Even though I felt some relief, I still needed income and health care benefits. This time I decided not to put it out on FB. I appreciated the love and support I received 2 years prior, but I was kind of embarrassed. I pulled out my “hanky prayer” and decided not to just memorize it, but to LIVE it! I needed to start casting my burdens up to the Lord and spending time with Him daily. I can just imagine Him up there thinking, “It’s about time, My child!”  

While organizing a bookshelf that weekend, I came across a book I didn’t remember owning (Busy Mom’s Guide to Bible Study). My mom had given it to me 7 years prior.  How ironic that I had been too busy to read it! 

I am happy to say, that 2/13/18 marks 1 year of my own little daily bible study and I have been at my new job (which I love) for almost a year!
