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Day 9 - February 22

Posted by Kelly Dorr on

Whatever you ask for in prayer with faith, you will receive.        Matthew 21:22

As for many girls, my dad was my hero. When he was diagnosed with cancer, it completely rocked my world.  One Sunday morning, months after his initial diagnosis, I met him at church downtown. He was sitting in the narthex waiting for us to arrive. Before we went in, he said he wanted to tell me about a dream he had that night. Knowing my dad, I expected it to be a funny dream.  It was not a funny dream. He said that he was in his bed and a white figure appeared next to his bed. He was not able to make out a face, but he felt it was Jesus.  He said that Jesus asked him what he wanted to do, and my dad told him that he wanted to live.

This dream is something that I thought about for a long time, especially after my dad passed away. My dad’s wishes and prayers as well as our families, was that a cure would be found and that he would be healed. I asked God to heal my dad almost every single day. My prayers were not answered in the way that I had wanted nor the way my dad wanted. They were answered in the way He wanted them to be answered.  The answer to prayers isn’t always instantaneous nor     always what our hearts wish, sometimes we need to wait to have those prayers  be answered in His time and in His way. Sometimes the answers to our prayers are not what we expect. I believe that my dad’s prayers were answered as he is now living in Heaven with our Lord.

Prayer: Dear Father, You know what I need even before I ask it of you. Help me to listen, to be patient and to seek You in all that I need. Thank you for answering my prayers. Amen.
