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Lenten Devotionals 2020

Lenten Devotional, Day 16, Thursday, March 12, 2020

Posted by Butch Erickson on

With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.  Matthew 19:26

To be completely honest and transparent, when I received the letter from Pastor John asking me to be one of the writers for this year’s devotional booklet, my first thought was, I don’t have a favorite bible verse to write about.  Sure I am familiar with some of the more popular verses, however I have never intentionally gone through and specifically chosen a favorite.  I thought, this will be easy.  I will just decline and let someone else take advantage of this opportunity.  However, something inside me wouldn’t let me take the easy way out and pass on the request.   

Fast forward through a few weeks of procrastination to one week before the deadline for my devotional booklet contribution.  We had returned home from Madison after a Wisconsin Badger basketball game vs #14 Michigan State.  Wisconsin had been ahead the entire game and late in the game, Michigan State, who was favored and should have won the game, was making a big come back.  It would have been easy for the Badgers to just quit and accept another expected loss, however they didn’t, and held them off to win 64 to 63.

I woke up the next morning thinking about the game and how the Badgers didn’t quit and thought I see that characteristic in myself and wondered, where did that come from.  That morning I was also thinking about the upcoming due date for my devotional and wondered if there was a bible verse around not quitting, never giving up, believing that anything is possible.  After a little research, I found Matthew 19:26 and it seemed to fit.

I do believe all things are possible.  Will they always be easy?  No.  Will they always happen when and where I want?  No.  Will they require hard work, dedication, sacrifice, difficult decisions, commitment, faith, support, others, etc.…?  Yes.  Will they even happen at all?  Not always. 

This belief, characteristic, skill, mindset, attitude, whatever you want to call it, I believe came from my parents.  They instilled this in me from a very young age through the examples they set in their day-to-day lives, their work, their decisions, their actions and their faith.  As a result of their examples, I have tried to demonstrate this attitude and mindset in my life experiences, both good and bad, in college, playing and coaching sports, career, family, friends, and faith.

There is a quote from Henry Ford that resonates with me that supports the verse from Matthew.  “Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.”

So even though I started this devotional request thinking it was going to be impossible and I was going to quit, with God’s support it became possible and I now have a favorite bible verse. 

Prayer:  Dear Lord.  Thank you for blessing me with two of the best parents a son could ask for.  Thank you for the guiding them to instill in me the belief that anything is possible with You in my life.  Without them or You, I would not be where I am today in my personal, professional and faith journeys.  For that I am grateful. In your name I pray.  Amen 
