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Lenten Devotionals 2020

Lenten Devotional, Day 26, Sunday, March 22, 2020

Posted by Buck Malick on

But the other criminal rebuked him. “Don’t you fear God,” he said, “since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.” Then he said, “Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.” Jesus answered him, “Truly I tell you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Luke 23:40-43

I am struck by the elegant simplicity of the salvation of the criminal who freely admitted his guilt, acknowledged Jesus’ righteous power and asked to be remembered. That’s all it took. Jesus not only “remembered” him; He offered him companionship, which is paradise enough.

Not that it is ever easy to admit one’s own guilt. It’s a really tough thing. People who know, tell me that prisons are full of people convinced they do not deserve punishment. But then so are churches . . . and every other place people gather! It was revealed to me recently that perhaps the only thing that has kept me from committing many crimes is that I simply didn’t have the ready means to do harm when I was angry or greedy or envious or some other selfish emotion.

It is also so very tempting for us to blame others, to list our good deeds, and to project that relative balancing act “at least I’m not as bad as So-And-So.” The repentant criminal could have used any of these dodges. Heaven knows, I do. Yet he weighed his deeds objectively, as his life flashed before his eyes, and he looked into eternity.

Note that Jesus granted unconditional forgiveness; there could be no opportunity for this criminal to “earn” his salvation. But oh, imagine the regret of the dying, repentant criminal, knowing that (unlike us) he had no chance to repay his victims, to do good for others.

One more observation, the repentant thief knew who to ask, the Christ with the authority and power to make big things happen. He believed he was hanging beside God’s agent. This is a strong testimony for the benefit of any among us who doubt.

Prayer: Savior, please accept the repentant criminal as my spokesman. Remember me also. In the time I have left, I promise to follow your hopeful, selfless example, unburdened by guilt for my sins.
