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Lenten Devotionals 2020

Lenten Devotional, Day 27, Monday, March 23, 2020

Posted by Jennifer Mitchell on

“Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.” Isaiah 46:4 

When I was growing up as a young child, my parents never told me, “life can be hard!”  Instead, they taught me to be grateful to God for my blessings and tried their best to protect me from everything scary and bad. I have always thanked God for everything good in my life and fortunately I’ve been blessed tremendously!  However, I learned as a child, that unfortunately, life can sometimes be really scary, bad and hard!  In spite of it, I developed my daily ritual of prayers to God in a balanced way, giving thanks first but asking for help when things were difficult.  I thought that with that mix of gratitude and need, HE would surely listen and be there for me!

Thankfully, my parents and grandparents helped me form a strong faith and belonging in the church.  After becoming a parent myself, I decided to teach my girls, early on, that life wasn’t always easy but that their mom and dad, family and friends LOVE them greatly.  But also, that no matter WHAT happens, there is always someone who loves us the greatest; GOD!! Admittedly it’s a bit difficult to tell my children somebody loves them more than me (their mom)!

My grandparents had the poem, “Footprints in the Sand” hanging in their house and it made a huge impact on me as I grew up.  I still cling to its message today.  The following bible verse reminds me of that poem, and I’ve discovered that many bible passages talk about God “carrying us.” It is HIS love and promise to us that has gotten me through my most difficult days!

Sadly, I’ve lost several loved ones over the last couple years and I’m currently supporting my brother (only 15 months older) who is battling terminal cancer.  It has been extremely difficult, to say the least, however amazingly we have found comfort, support and love in those around us even is at this difficult time.  I truly believe HE is carrying our family now.  GOD’s love is around us when we need it the most!  We just need to look for it and embrace it! 

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for the many amazing gifts you’ve blessed me with over my life!  Thank you for always being with me, especially during my most difficult days! Please help me to be a blessing to others and spread your love, light and strength!  In your Holy Name I pray, Amen!

Jennifer Mitchell
