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Lenten Devotionals 2020

Lenten Devotional, Day 34, Monday, March 30, 2020

Posted by Peter Eisch on

“Jesus wept.”  John 11:33 

In middle-school years we had a Sunday School teacher, Tom, who would search for ways to relate to us.  We would read different verses and he would relate what it meant to him or maybe some bit of trivia.  One week he featured the shortest verse in the Bible, "Jesus wept." and explained why a verse of two words has probably more significance than many others. Together we read chapter 11 and talked about how Lazarus' death changed Jesus' life.

In the years following, we started confirmation class but it was much different than most others.  For years our church didn't have a permanent pastor.  Some of our temporary pastors met with our class and other times members of our church filled in.  Through all the changes we did get to see lots of different perspectives of the different teachers.  It also left large opportunities to become unengaged through the lack of a common plan.  It also meant we could be cute and there was no accountability.

Near the end of our confirmation process, we were asked to select, memorize and recite a bible verse and then give an explanation of why you selected it and how it affects your life.  I can't remember what my verse was or any of its details but I do remember what most of the other boys in the class each laughed as they selected: "Jesus wept."  Why would so many of my peers have chosen this verse?  Was it a cop-out?  Was it just too easy for them to remember, recite and apply a meaning as we'd learned in Tom's Sunday School class?  Tom had explained  how Jesus' raising Lazarus from the dead would likely bring about the beginning of to his death on the cross.  They each recited how their actions in life are important and how Jesus' grace of Lazarus' resurrection lead to his dying for our sins.

In the years since, this keeps coming back to me whenever I see a turning point in my or other people's lives.  When times are hard or aren't going like we'd hope, we cry.  I then remember, "Jesus wept." It reminds me to embrace change through crying and trust in God to bring about the better ending.

Prayer: Dear Lord, remind us as we make choices we know aren't easy.  Be with us when we see hard choices ahead and help us to continue doing your will along the way.  Much as you raised Lazarus you can redeem us and continue your work through our hands.  Amen.
