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  • Mailing Address: 920 Third Street, Hudson, WI 54016



Creation Care

A Creation Care Community

On April 17, 2021, the Northwest Synod of Wisconsin approved a “Resolution in Support of Creation Care” that urges all members to exemplify personal and institutional care for creation.

The Bethel Church Council embraced this resolution and chartered the Bethel Creation Care Team in August of 2022.  The purpose of this team is to invite and engage the whole Bethel community in restoring and protecting God’s creation. 

God has given each of us the role of caretaker of His creation (Genesis 2:15).  When we love the earth, we love our God who created it, and we love our neighbors who suffer from the effects of harm to our planet. 

If you are interested in joining the Bethel Creation Care Team, please contact Pastor Ladd at: 

Bethel's Creation Care Team:

Back row: Pastor Ladd, Jerry Bauer, Rick Wilson, David Datt, Jon Berglund, Paula Bhagyam

Front row: Ricky Lien, Galina Bauer, Vicki Datt, Buck Malick, Missy Lien, Anne Wasmund

Not shown: Lorrie Meade, Curt Larson, Roger Ware, Sonja Maki, Wendy Helm, Carole DeJardin, Kateri Topitzhofer


Take Action

We invite every member of Bethel to take joyful action to care for the earth God has given us.  Below are some ideas and resources that will help you make a difference for creation. 


  • Use both sides of a piece of paper.
  • Use cloth shopping bags.
  • Have receipts sent to you electronically.
  • Turn things off when not in use - computers, TV, coffee pot, etc.
  • Shop locally.  
  • Plant trees.
  • Get a reusable water bottle, and use it.
  • Turn off the tap while you are brushing your teeth.
  • Install a water displacement device in the back of your toilet so less water is used.
  • Wash clothes less frequently, to save energy, water and the life of the fabric.
  • Wash clothes in cold water, in full loads, with eco-friendly detergents. 
  • Air-dry laundry when possible. 
  • Put up birdhouses.
  • Try bar shampoo, conditioner, body soap and even dish soap. 
  • Shop second hand. Finding treasures at garage sales and thrift shops is fun!
  • Shop farmer’s markets or use your own garden produce. 
  • Start composting food waste.  Food that ends up in landfills releases methane, a potent greenhouse gas.
  • Make one trip with your car, instead of two - combine all your trips for the day, or week, into one.
  • Donate your gently worn shoes.
  • Carpool with a friend or family member.  Save gas, build a relationship.
  • Choose products with minimal packaging.
  • Bring your own "doggy bag" container to restaurants. 
  • Pay bills online.
  • Use cloth, instead of paper towels, paper napkins, paper tissues.
  • Say "no thanks" to plastic straws.
  • Make a butterfly garden.
  • Avoid single-use K cups.
  • Buy in bulk.
  • Bring your own cup to gatherings.
  • Buy quality clothing to last and prevent textile waste.
  • Drink loose leaf tea.
  • Replace inefficient light bulbs.
  • Decrease food waste - buy only what you'll eat quickly, or can freeze.
  • Re-purpose leftover food to another meal.
  • Repair items and clothing, instead of buying new. 
  • Bring your own eating utensils, to use at work or elsewhere.
  • Join online buy-and-sell groups, to sell and give away unneeded items.
  • Dispose of electronic waste responsibly.
  • Use cloth diapers, instead of disposable.
  • Use junk mail, including the envelopes, as scratch paper before you recycle it.
  • Take steps to stop junk mail.
  • Choose slower shipping.
  • Big Ideas: Install solar panels, switch to an electronic or hybrid vehicle, install a high-efficiency furnace or appliances.


Take Personal Action


Stop Junk Mail

Engage Your Elected Officials