Sunday, February 09, 2025
Here's an opportunity for you to serve local! From February 2-9, please bring non-perishable food items, and paper goods (kleenex, paper towels, toilet paper and diapers) to worship to replenish supplies at the Hudson Food Shelf.
You may also make a monetary donation. Please write "Food Bank" on the memo line of your check made out to Bethel or simply make your check out to "Food Bank". Checks may be dropped in the collection baskets.
Donations accepted at both campuses. If you are looking for ideas, the following information came from a food bank worker in Ohio (most likely applicable here too) who polled those using the food shelf.
So, I spoke to people getting food at a food bank and here are some things I learned from those in need:
- Everyone donates Kraft Mac and Cheese in the box. They can rarely use it because it needs milk and butter which is hard to get from regular food banks.
- Boxed milk is a treasure, as kids need it for cereal which they also get a lot of.
- Everyone donates pasta sauce and spaghetti noodles.
- They cannot eat all the awesome canned veggies and soup unless you put a can opener in too or buy pop tops.
- Oil is a luxury but needed for Rice a-Roni which they also get a lot of.
- Spices or salt and pepper would be a real gift.
- Tea bags and coffee make them feel like you care.
- Sugar and flour are treats.
- They fawn over fresh produce donated by farmers and grocery stores.
- Seeds are cool in Spring and Summer because growing can be easy for some.
- They rarely get fresh meat.
- Tuna and crackers make a good lunch.
- Hamburger Helper goes nowhere without ground beef.
- They get lots of peanut butter and jelly but usually not sandwich bread.
- Butter or margarine is nice too.
- Eggs are a real commodity.
- Cake mix and frosting makes it possible to make a child’s birthday cake.
- Dishwashing detergent is very expensive and is always appreciated.
- Feminine hygiene products are a luxury and women will cry over that.
- Everyone loves Stove Top Stuffing.