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Middle School Slip'n Slide Kickball - 2021

Middle School Slip'n Slide Kickball - 2021

Wednesday, August 04, 2021, 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM

Location: Bethel - Highlands Campus, 504 Frontage Road, Hudson, WI US 54016

Coordinator: Cindy Halunen |

Register Here: https://bethelhudson.ccbchurch.com/goto/forms/484/responses/new

Download: Download Event

After being postponed a year, Bethel is back with Middle School Slip'n Slide Kickball!

Get ready for some outrageous fun!  It's everything you love about slip'n slide and kickball all wrapped into one!  Dress appropriately, because you will get wet!

Invite your friends!

There is no cost, but signup so we know about how many kids will play.