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Posted by Beth Johnson on

“He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?”   Micah 6:8

I was not raised going to church but as a teenager I began to attend services with my friends. I often joke that I went to Concordia (Lutheran) College, married a Lutheran and became a  Lutheran. I have been lucky to find mentors who were able to guide me and help me understand the teachings of the church and our calls to action.

After we first joined Bethel, Cheri Monette signed me up to teach Sunday School with her. So began my journey to serve the youth of the church. We taught SS for years and I taught confirmation for several more. When Elaina got elected to the Synod Youth Board, I had to drive her to meetings all over Western Wisconsin, so Carole DeJardin had me run for a board position, which lasted 8 crazy and joyous years. My years of riding in Big Blue, singing and laughing our way across the country, or just to camp, are the ones I’ll cherish the most. I learned so much from all the youth but especially how to love mercy and kindness. And if anyone can keep you humble it’s a group of teens! I got certainly more than I could ever give. 

Micah says we are to work for justice, and I believe that goes hand in hand with equality for all. The labels we place on people, the divisions we create serve no purpose but to favor some and minimize others. I try my best to treat everyone as fairly and equally as I can and try to “love my neighbor as myself.” It is neither easy nor perfected but one must never quit trying. Another aspect of justice is preserving the earth and we Johnsons try to leave as little of an impact as we can. 

We are blessed that God gives us the gift of salvation by grace. Micah simply describes what God wants from us to do in return: do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. 

Prayer: Dear God, please help us be humble as we walk with You, not arrogant or needing to be better than others. Show us courage to be just and fair with everyone, accept the  simple gifts of mercy and kindness that You have placed within us. In Your name we pray.  Amen.
