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Posted by Darren Chukel on

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

Philippians 4:13

Throughout my life in school, sports, and other activities I have always wanted to be the best, and if I did not feel like I was smarter or better, I would think that I wasn't good enough and that I failed. It was something that always made me afraid of making mistakes, and not being “perfect”.

Going to Wednesday confirmation classes helped me to understand so much more than having to be better than someone else. Our small group Bread2Fish, as we called ourselves, had many discussions or debates that led to new thinking and ideas. One of the nights last winter was one that really changed or helped my views to become clearer. We had a discussion about what faith is, and how faith can become a thing. Our discussion went into great detail, and we talked and talked about the many aspects of faith and how it came to be. That discussion made me think of new ideas, and concepts, and we combined our group´s ideas to form a large picture that we could all agree on. The group pushed us to think of new ways to improve our faith, and help each other to grow in faith as well. One of the biggest things I learned was, that no matter how you do in sports, school, and other activities, God will always be there supporting you like your #1 fan, and with Him you can do anything, and everything you want to do if you put your mind to it. 

This verse has given me the confidence to step out of my bubble and find new ways to improve myself, and my faith. Whenever I have felt doubt or uncertainty, I can see the verse flowing through my head, and it has pushed me farther, and farther in life. I no longer look to be “better than others”. Rather, I look to be the best version of myself, and accept mistakes and failure as a way for me to grow. This is just the start of all of our journeys, and I know with God’s unconditional love and support, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

Prayer: Gracious God, we give You thanks for always supporting us, and providing for us no matter the circumstances. We pray that You will continue to lead us in finding the best version of ourselves, and leading us in our faith. In Your name we pray, Amen.
