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Posted by Nick Reetz on

The King will reply, ‘'Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me’’   Matthew 25:40

I’m not a vocal person when it comes to controversial subjects; I would call myself  “conflict-avoidant”. I do however hold strong opinions on a number of hot topics. I feel like this verse guides my personal views on several of these topics. By and large, our society marginalizes people based on race, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation and anything else that makes individuals who they are. Like many of you, I feel disgusted when I read or watch the news. To me, the most disturbing news I read is when people lose freedoms, liberty and opportunity based on someone declaring that it is the will of God. The Bible says many things, much of which can be taken out of context and made to fit any narrative. Unfortunately, that narrative is often exclusion, judgment, ridicule and sin. That is where my frustration lies.

Reading stories about discrimination, hate and judgment all in the name of Christianity, I just want to scream at these people that this isn’t how Jesus wants us to live. In the teachings of Jesus, he spoke of the importance of compassion, grace, forgiveness and acceptance.

I’m a sinner. We all are. But just as Christ accepts and forgives me, I need to accept and forgive others. That is one of the things I’ve always liked about the services at Bethel. I feel proud hearing the true meaning of Christianity. I hear the prayers to end divisiveness, racism, and judgment. I hear the call to love thy neighbor, to forgive those who sin against us and to share our gifts, talents and resources with everyone, just as Jesus did.

As someone involved with the youth ministry here at Bethel, I often take it upon myself to challenge students to understand the teachings of Christ and to live as he wants us to live. I pray that my students go forth and become adults that practice grace, forgiveness and acceptance. I pray that they love their neighbors, especially the disenfranchised. For how we treat the least of these, is how we treat the king, who is Christ the Lord.

Lord Jesus, thank You for being a gracious, forgiving and accepting Lord. Help us to follow in Your footsteps and lead by example for the younger generations to come. We pray that those who find themselves marginalized, may find acceptance and love in Your faithful servants. Amen.
