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Posted by Koreen Theisen on

“May Your Spirit, Soul and Body Be Well”                                                                                                      

1 Thessalonians 5:23

Since retiring about a year ago, one thing I have been focusing on is self-care. When I was working and busy raising a family, I knew self-care was important, but I was too distracted to take care of  myself. The result: stressed, overweight, and a more distant relationship with God. I wish I had focused on self-care techniques earlier in life. Self-care is not selfish. Rather if we take care of ourselves first, then we have more to give others emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physically.

I have found three approaches that have worked best for me:

Mind: When I only have a few minutes and I am feeling especially stressed, I use a breathing technique called four-square breathing. This involves inhaling for a count of four, holding air in your lungs for a count of four, exhaling for a count of four and then holding your lungs empty for a count of four. Repeat this few times. I find this technique moves my mind from flight or fight mode to a more reasonable problem solving mode.

Spirit: Just fifteen minutes of quiet time in meditation or prayer can do wonders for your spirit! I find that spending time trying “not to think“ allows me to have a closer relationship with God. I realize this might sound odd, but when I have a quiet mind, this is when God talks to me and provides me advice. In addition, spending a few minutes at the end of each day saying Thank You for all the blessings of the day is a great way to realize how God has enriched our lives. 

Body: I am excited to see more and more studies show that you don’t need to spend an hour at the gym sweating up a storm to remain physically healthy. I have been focusing on eating better (less white sugar and flour, less milk and red meat) and a more moderate approach to exercise. This includes walking (especially with friends and loved one), lifting a few weights for arm exercise (nothing major!) and most recently I have started yoga. Combining yoga with a few minutes of mediation/prayer is a nice combo to start the day!

Our perception of the demands in our lives have left many of us stressed and feeling a bit out of control. I have found when the above self-care techniques are combined with a conversation with God, that He guides my emotions and actions to more healthy directions. 

Prayer: Dear God, as we find ourselves in a crazy world with many distractions, help us to take time to slow down and appreciate all that You provide. Give us the wisdom and dedication to spend time focusing on our own mental, spiritual and bodily health. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.
