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Posted by Mary Finnegan on

Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your kindness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and  petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:4-7 

Thank you for trusting me to help tell Bethel’s story through words and pictures over the last four years. It has been an honor and a blessing to help promote and report all the great things happening here. I know it’s a cliché, but this is a place where the people of Bethel are the church. How you live out your faith goes way beyond the Downtown and Highlands Campuses. 

The reach and depth of your compassion and generosity have amazed me. It seems that members of Bethel are continually reaching out to help those in need throughout our       community, nation, and the world; opening not only your hearts and wallets, but also sharing knowledge, skills, and time, traveling to places far and wide. . .  truly living the maxim to “Be the hands and feet of Christ” 

Over the last four years, I have seen great ingenuity and patience here in the face of obstacles big and small. On March 11, 2020, Bethel hosted one of the largest crowds ever for dinner, skits, music, and fellowship at a Wednesdays in Lent celebration. Two days later, talk began to circulate of what it may look like if we had to shut our doors, twenty-four hours later that decision was made and the 9:30 service the next day (Sunday, March 15, 2020) became Bethel’s first live-streamed service. Literally, overnight, Bethel members adapted to this whiplash pivot and have been supportive and patient with the fits and starts that go with technology, while embracing worship and events outside (including the beloved Scandinavian Food Fest, which was successfully re-born in 2021 as the Drive-thru Taste of Scandinavia) and the current hybrid model of meeting in-person and live-streaming worship and events. 

Several months ago, Pastor Ladd coined the phrase, “God-incidence” to describe those moments in life when things happen that you just know God has a hand in how it all          transpires. I came to Bethel at a point in my life when I felt adrift in my faith life – my belief and trust in God had never wavered – but I had reached a point where I had little faith in organized religion. Being at Bethel has renewed that faith and for that I am grateful. 

I have no idea what retirement will look like for me, but I leave my job at Bethel with an overwhelming sense of gratitude, admiration, and respect for the Pastors, staff, and members of the congregation. God is good. 

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for introducing me to this amazing community. Please continue to bless and care for the extraordinary, talented staff at Bethel, and all members of this congregation who so faithfully live and share Your Gospel to love and serve others.
