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Posted by Gale Reams on


As for that in the good soil, they are those who, hearing the word, hold it fast in an honest and good heart, and bear fruit with patience.

Luke 8:25

I grew up on a farm in the River Falls area. I helped with farm chores, one of which was helping my mother in our large garden.

All my life I have had a love of seeing vegetables and flowers grow. A sure sign that spring was coming were the numerous spring seed catalogs arriving in our mail box. Checking out the new varieties to see if they may be better than previously grown varieties.

My seeds for this year’s garden have arrived and I have started planting seeds in our starter trays. I see God’s hand at work as the seeds I plant germinate and start becoming a new creation – a flower or vegetable plant.

As I work getting these seeds planted, I ask myself if I am growing and developing like the good seed in Luke 8:25? I ask myself, was I honest, kind and patient with all today? Am I being a good example to my spouse, children, grandchildren and all I meet? 

Even as we all have been struggled through the past couple of years with Covid 19 and changes to our lives, I am working to do what I can to be a good seed where God has planted me.

I will make an effort to smile (mask on or off) to all I meet and say good morning or afternoon.

Do small acts of kindness, such as letting a person go ahead of me when checking out at a store and not cutting in front of others while driving my cart or car. 

Work to participate to help others more, be it going to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation to deliver school supplies and do volunteer activities there, going to Feed My Starving Children or volunteer to read in my grandchildren’s classes or another place that can I can be of service.

We can all be a seed to show God’s love to those around us. We can all grow and be of service where we are planted.

Prayer: Dear Father, Help us all to be good seed and grow in live and service to all.
