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Lenten Devotions Day 11

Posted by Marshall Agrey on

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6

Patience is a funny concept when raising children. Recently during a church service, our boys decided it was a good time to tackle each other while the children’s message was being presented. As a parent, the last thing you want is misbehavior while in church, let alone right in front of the entire congregation and livestream. During this time, my anxiety skyrocketed and my patience dissipated. I was halfway out of my seat, thinking to myself, “For the love of God, why can’t...”, when part of my prayers were answered and God intervened and had someone separate our two boys.

While out shopping for a birthday gift for a child’s friend, several times we had to explain that we’re just getting a toy for your friend, not you. Which as many parents have experienced, turns into a tantrum or meltdown because they wanted a toy also. 

Have you felt embarrassed due to this behavior? Have you lost control of your own emotions? What have you done to alleviate the situation? Have you become anxious, upset, or lost your patience? Are you like me and forget that almost every parent around you has been through this very same situation?

After slowly calming myself down, I will try to remember that God understands that we’re learning together. My kids are learning their emotions and limits, and I’m learning my emotions and limits as a parent. In the moment it is hard to understand that God is there with us and He hears our requests.

God works in mysterious ways when it comes to being patient with children. One day after the service was complete, an elderly woman came up to my wife and said, “It’s such a joy seeing your boys in church; you’re doing a great job as a parent.” She called me and was almost in tears as that simple statement eased her anxiety for the rest of the day.

God listens to our prayers when we are getting frustrated and anxious. It doesn’t have to be with our kids, it can be with work, friends, family. We just simply have to ask and be thankful.

Prayer: Dear Lord, Thank You for easing our anxiety and teaching us patience when we feel that we have lost control of our emotions. Keep looking after those that feel they cannot control what is going on around them. Let everyone learn from You that to be patient and calm is the easiest way to understand one another. Amen.
