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Lenten Devotions Day 31

Posted by The Wallace Family on

“Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28

As family business owners we are pretty used to and prepared for the volatility that goes with the territory. We’ve had plenty of ups and downs over the past twenty years. However, we weren’t quite expecting the drastic downward financial turn we experienced in 2022, especially following the lucrative years of 2020 and 2021. This past year for our family was one of uncertainty, worries, and lots of prayer. We, like so many others, felt the effects of the economy, inflation and all the things happening around us.

I don’t recall the exact moment, but at some point Jason and I had the realization that this was God’s plan for us. God wanted us to slow down and this was our sign. While it was scary at times, this past year our family grew closer to each other and to God. We were intentional with our extra time, using it to strengthen our relationships with our family and friends. We realized we had been pushing ourselves to the max in constant “do more” mode. It was time to put on the breaks; time to rest and enjoy life more. 

Our kids also appreciated the slow down our family took in 2022. Tate has memories of more quality time spent together as a family throughout the year and Lexi was thrilled that we were able to take time off to go sledding during our busy season which in her words has “never” happened. We all recognized that we got better at living in the moment instead of always worrying about what needed to get done. We took time to purposefully foster stronger connections to others and God…more playdates/coffee dates, more time in nature, more snuggles on the couch, more prayer. It was exactly what we all needed even though it took us some time to realize it.

Both Tate and Lexi attended Bethel Highlands Preschool. At weekly chapel they sang “Be Still And Know That I Am God.” It is fitting that as we talked about writing this devotion, we also recalled this verse which they learned through song when they were preschoolers. They learned to be patient and let God do the work. This past year our family learned together to be patient and trust God; and that He wants us to rest in order to grow in connection and faith.  

Prayer: Dear God, thank You for knowing when we need rest. Thank You for helping us to be present in each moment and embrace the joy in the life You’ve given us. In Your name we pray. Amen. 
