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Lenten Devotions Day 33

Posted by Natalie Wussler on

“Thus, the heavens and the earth were completed in all their vast array. By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it he rested from all the work of creating that he had done.” Genesis 2:1-3

Anyone else a big napper? I’ve started a tradition I like to call a “post-church nap”, which is exactly what it sounds like. I started doing this practice because I started feeling way too exhausted for a 26-year-old at 2pm on Sunday afternoon. You see, this last semester at seminary pushed me to unhealthy extents. I was always working and never had time to recharge. I was burnt out of everything and not going down a great path. Friends, family, and mentors alike gave me the same piece of advice, “rest.” As a perfectionist, it was hard to take a pause while I looked at my laundry list of things to do, but it was oh so worth it.

This verse today encouraged me. Our God rests. God took a pause after creation. So can we.

Our world moves at a sometimes-nauseatingly fast pace. Our brains are so wired to produce, always focusing on the next thing. How often do we get to slow down, take a step back, and get close to God?

The good news is that God gives us permission–scratch that, He commands us - to follow His example and rest on the Sabbath Day. God wants us to take moments to recharge and reconnect with ourselves and with Him, to fight back against the fast pace of the world and prioritize our own well-being. Even Jesus rested while a storm raged around Him. No matter how chaotic our lives get, no matter the constraints of our endless schedules, we should make time for our rest and renewal.

Today I want to challenge you. Block off a time in your schedule this week; call it “Sabbath.” Keep that time holy and restful. It could be anything–take a walk and notice God in nature, read your Bible, pray, spend time with people who fill you up, listen to some music. Intentionally set aside moments in your life to take care of your needs and connect with God. Our God rests, so can we.

Prayer: Dear God, we thank You that You rested. Thank You for this example. We pray that as our lives get busy that we take moments of holy pause to connect to You and remember who we are in You. It’s in Your holy name we pray. Amen.
