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Lenten Devotions Day 5

Posted by Walker Stutzman on

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11: 28-30

I started seeing a therapist about nine months ago to help me through some problems I was having with work, anxiety, motivation, and stress. During this time with my therapist, we have been incorporating the practice of mindfulness meditation into my daily routine. While I thoroughly enjoy the practice, at the beginning it felt like a struggle to find the time to engage in a “mindfulness moment,” or to carve out some time to turn off my brain and simply observe the world around me.

In the constant flurry of life with two young kids, I realize that the adage is true; “You will never be less busy than you are right now.” For someone who lives their professional life in six-minute increments, it was hard to find time to meditate and practice mindfulness while a proverbial hurricane was whirling around me. The boys need to be fed, clothed, and taken to school. My clients need their questions answered; cases require time and attention; the firm needs time entered so they can bill clients. The day ends with making dinner, playing (or cleaning up after playtime), and putting the boys to bed. By the time the day ends and I reflect back, I think ‘Wow, where did the time go?’ Life passes quickly if we are not paying attention.

My mindfulness meditation practice has helped me slow down the days, and allows more opportunity to engage in self-care, reflection, and to observe the present. And when I observe the present through my senses, it is hard not to see, hear, smell, or feel Jesus’ presence in every direction. The wind across my face and rustling the treetops. The smell of someone’s wood fire in the distance. The sound of birds and their melodic songs. The sky painted hues of yellow and orange in a way that Monet or Cole or Bierstadt could only pay homage to but never truly capture. From the seemingly mundane to the truly breathtaking, these are all reminders from Christ that we are not alone; that He is with us. During this practice, I can feel a calm wash over me, and my previous concerns or ruminations no longer weigh as heavy on my mind or my soul. By observing the world around me, I know Jesus is with me. And because He is with me, I can shift my burdens to Him. The Good Shepard always tends His flock, and carries the lambs in His arms (Isaiah 40:11). We just have to stop, take a moment, and realize His presence.

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank You for your constant presence in our lives, even if we do not take the time to observe it. Help us to tune out distractions and be fully present in our own lives and with others, as You are always present with us. Help us remember that Your “yoke is easy” and Your “burden is light,” and we can rely on You to carry us through our struggles. Amen.
