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Lenten Devotions Day 7

Posted by Gail Nolan on

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Philippians 4:6 

I am anxious writing this. Prayer started late for me, it wasn’t until 1979 when my oldest sister needed a new kidney. She did receive one and it was working great for her until an aneurysm burst. She was only twenty-six years old. I keep praying daily for our family, in whatever situation there is. I prayed that our boys would find a great partner; they each did. My daughters-in-law are the daughters I never had. I prayed for grandkids; we have five now. Where would we be without prayers? I don’t know the answer. But I keep on going. Since joining Bethel in 1991, I have stepped into many different roles here, from just being a parishioner to being part of New Song, Bethel Chorale, Bethel Hand Bells, Bethel Quilters and now the Women of Bethel Facilitator. I keep praying for good weather for the Scandinavian Food Fest (especially during our drive-through). I pray that each one of you will help in some way in preparation for the Food Fest, help in the making of our 150th celebration a joyous event, help in the Lenten suppers or any event that we hold. It can’t be done with just a few of us; we all need to do a part. Bethel has become my extended family and I hold each of you dear to me.

Prayer is needed each and every day! Where would we be without it? Why do we keep everything deep inside of us when we can give it to the Lord? He will answer. As the Hot Air affair is approaching, I was reminded that it was thirty-one years ago that I went up in one; it was fantastic. I kept praying for a smooth landing, one out of two wasn’t bad. But we also need to thank God for all the great things he gives us each and every day.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, please keep my family and friends safe during their travels and let them enjoy everything You have given us, wonderful weather, sunshine to warm our bodies and minds, rain to make the flowers grow. In Your name we pray. Amen.   
