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Lenten Devotions Day 9

Posted by John Clymer on

“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord” Isaiah 55:8

Lately, I all too often hear myself saying – “I am keeping a list of questions that I would like to ask God”.

As I think about the happenings during the past year, it was filled with things that make no sense to me.  From the loss of a family member, to the loss of several dear friends, to the tragic happenings here and in many places in the world – I just do not understand.

The God I believe in, loves everyone of us no matter what. He forgives us, gives us unlimited freedom to live our lives, wants only the best for us, doesn’t punish us when we goof up, and is there for us no matter what. 

So I find myself asking why – and my list of questions to ask God someday just keeps getting longer.

Isaiah continues in verse 9: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.”

For me, the Bible doesn’t answer the question of why God operates the way He does or why bad things happen or why in all likelihood bad things will continue to happen. But what the Bible does give to me is the story of the life of Jesus and the path I am to follow. Just like the disciples that followed Jesus during His ministry, my job is not to ask why, but rather my job is to get to work.

But with all this being said, I will still keep adding to my list.

Prayer: God, as I go through life, I know the hurts will continue to come, I know You are there shedding tears with me, and I know You’re always there with a hug when I need it. Thank You for loving me. Time to get back to work. Amen.
