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Lenten Devotion day 32 - Saturday, April 6, 2019

Posted by Jacob Summerville on

"Let all that you do be done in love."  1 Corinthians 16:14

This verse has always spoken to me not because of any specific instance in my life or major God moment that I have had, but because I feel like it captures what the entirety of the Gospel is meant to be about. We have all of these massive concepts from the Bible like faith, hope, and grace. These are core to what we believe as Christians, but they can be difficult to truly wrap your head around. At their roots, though, each of these tenets boils down to the same thing: love. God showed us a radical love with the coming of Jesus, and He challenges us every day to show that same radical love to others. The Gospel is filled with instances of Jesus loving people in ways that nobody else could. Love is central to every facet of Christianity, and Lent is a time when love can truly flourish. Use these 40 days to dig deep and find what is holding you back from the Christ-like love you're being called to give, and come out the other side on Easter Sunday ready to follow 1 Corinthians 16:14 with a renewed heart.

Prayer: God, we thank you for the radical love you've shown us. From your creation to your Son, your love is greater than we could ever imagine. We pray that you would work in our hearts this Lenten season and mold them to be better at following your call to love.  Amen.

Jacob Summerville

