Contact Us
- Phone: (715)386-8821
- Email:
- Mailing Address: 920 Third Street, Hudson, WI 54016
We strive to build in each youth a strong biblical and Lutheran foundation as well as equip them to Connect, Grow, and Serve.
Sunday School at Bethel is an opportunity for students ages 3 through 5th grade to learn about Jesus' love while worshiping together (must be age 3 by 9/1/2024 and potty trained). Classes are held at Highlands Campus during the 9:00am worship service on Sunday mornings from September through May. Students begin in worship with their parents and are dismissed to Sunday School after the Children's Message.
Click HERE to register your student.
View the Bethel calendar to view the weekly lessons.
During Lent, 3rd graders will prepare for First Communion with two classes. Both classes will be led by Pastor Ladd.
Class 1: Thursday, April 3rd, 6:30pm-8:00pm at Highlands: This class is for students AND parents to learn what communion is meant to be for us.
Class 2: Tuesday, April 8th, 6:30pm-8:00pm at Highlands: students AND parents - Please make sure to have at least one parent present as we will share communion experiences.
During worship on Thursday, April 17th (Maundy Thursday) at 1:00pm Downtown or 5pm or 7pm at Highlands, your child will receive her/his First Communion. Please have your child invite sponsors, grandparents, other family members to join them at one of these services for this Faith Milestone celebration.
In April, the 5th graders will have the opportunity to learn about the Apostles’ Creed and be able to understand the articles of the Apostles’ Creed during their Faith Milestone classes. Learning the Apostles’ Creed is timely for the 5th graders’ Faith Milestone as these students grow in their faith and move onto the next level of their faith formation next year. They will build on the understanding of the Apostles’ Creed over the next few years and then create their own faith statement for their confirmation. We invite parents to join their students in the Youth Room on Sunday, April 6th during the Sunday School hour at the Highlands Campus.
At the 9:00am worship on Sunday, April 27th, your child’s Faith Milestone of Apostles’ Creed will be celebrated. The 5th graders will be invited to come forward to share the Apostles’ Creed and receive a blessing.
The kids annual Easter Egg Hunt will be on Sunday, April 20 following the 9:30am worship and we need your help filling the eggs with goodies! Click HERE to purchase something from our Amazon wish-list and have them delivered directly to Bethel. Thank you!
Following the 9:30am Easter worship, gather on the west lawn of the Highlands campus for a children's Easter Egg Hunt!
Help support Sunday School 1 hour per week preparing Sunday School supplies. This behind-the-scenes effort helps Sunday School function well on Sundays. It’s an easy opportunity to meet new people and live out Bethel’s mission to Connect, Grow, and Serve!
All adults are welcome to volunteer. The dates and time of the volunteering will be determined by the volunteers.
To volunteer contact Carole DeJardin ( ).
During the school year, the Nursery is open during 9:00am worship for children from infancy - 3 years. Parents are offered a pager to be contacted if needed during worship. Older children are welcome to attend Sunday School or use an activity bag and attend worship. Children of all ages are welcomed at Bethel!
If you have Nursery questions or needs, contact Carole DeJardin ( ).
Are you looking for ways to help your kids grow in faith at home together? Check out these great online resources: