Over the last few weeks, the Call Committee has spent time with the eight remaining candidates mentioned during the August Update. Our conversations have been centered on the key themes as defined by our transition team from earlier this year and the survey responses by our congregation which...
Fresh Express Community Outreach Inc. is a program of our neighbor, Cornerstone Church. They rescue food and clothing for the benefit of people in Hudson and surrounding communities. Their free services include: (1) a Mobile Food Market; (2) Daily Mini-Market held at Cornerstone Church...
Since last month’s update, there has been a significant amount of effort invested in working with the Northwest Synod. The review and outreach of the 31 pastors shortlisted from the more than 50 we started with has been an eye-opening experience. I am happy to share that of the 31, we have...
As we head into a new programming year, we want you to know how thankful we are for your continued support of Bethel Lutheran Church. Bethel has a strong history of quality worship, educational ministries, and service to others. We are committed to maintaining the high quality of Bethel’s...