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Bethel is a healthy and vital congregation, with rich history and a bright future. What an ideal time to engage in a congregational conversation about the future, starting with a three-year ministry plan (2017-2020). Bethel’s Church Council has appointed a Long-Range Planning Committee to develop a compelling ministry vision that will help Bethel sustain our mission to Connect, Grow and Serve long into the future.
The Committee is co-chaired by Steve Weekes and John Clymer and supported in its work by Dr. James Pence, a church consultant who knows Bethel and our recent history. Pastors John, Ladd, and Kris also serve with Bethel members Kelle Anderson, Missy Austreng, Alan Burchill, Paul Gavic, Kristen Gillingham, Karin Holt, Edith Lampman, Erin Mason, Jeremy Palm, and Ralph Van Keulen.
Last week, this group met for the first time with our consultant to organize the calendar for completion of the plan. One important component of this plan is to invite a cross-section of the congregation to serve in small groups to generate ideas and plans in five core ministry areas: hospitality, worship, faith development, mission and service, and generosity. The goal is to invite a minimum of five people to participate in each group along with a member of the Planning Committee and a staff member.
The Planning Committee takes seriously the responsibility to communicate with the congregation frequently, to seek input frequently through the efforts of the small groups, and to keep everyone advised of progress. The hope is to have a final plan to share and discuss by mid-January 2018. Thank you, in advance, for your support and your prayers.
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