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Posted by Pastor Bob Bipes on

It was You who formed my inward parts, You knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are Your works; that I know very well.                                                                                                                                                                     

Psalm 139:13-14

Our son was born 58 years ago. But the memory of seeing him for the first time is still clear. Here is this miniature human being. Everything was complete. Ten fingers and ten toes, like bird feet, long slender fingers that wrap around my little finger. Two charcoal gray eyes complete with eye lashes, black straight hair that stood out in every direction. He was born 18 days past his due date, so he even had fingernails that needed a trim. Everything was there in this little person.

The psalmist praises God for creating him in his mother’s womb. Truly it is amazing to see a new born baby. The wonder of this complete little person. Then there is the wonder of their day to day growth and development, as they begin to do more things by themselves. They smile, and show they recognize you. They learn to turn over, to crawl and walk. They learn a few words and then are saying sentences.

There are new developments and skills that appear day by day. And all at once they graduate from high school, and you wonder where the time went. They go off to college or to vocational school, or get a job, and you begin to realize they are full grown, mature adults.

We thank God for our children and are grateful for who they are. We can also be reminded, the psalmist says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. God has made us to be who we are. He has given each of us unique talents, and skills, as well as limitations. We are called to use our abilities and limits in a productive, God pleasing way. We have our own histories of accomplishments and challenges. Perhaps you can see in your life where God has had a definite hand in leading you and blessing you with opportunities to make your life satisfying and fulfilling.

It may be that even some things that seemed disappointments at the time became the opportunity to open doors to new adventures and accomplishments in your life.

We can take comfort and courage from remembering that God had a hand in creating us, and He will stick by us because we are the work of His hands and are precious to Him. He will make ourselves open to sensing His presence and seeing His hand in our circumstances, for His love for us never ends.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I thank You that You have created me and claimed me, and treasure me as I am. Be with me to guide and protect me, that I may be all You have given me the potential to be. In Jesus name I pray. Amen
