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Bethel News and Updates

Facilities Task Force Survey, December 2018

Posted by The Facilities Task Force on

Dear Friend of Bethel:

Please find below a link to a short eight-minute survey.  This new survey is a follow-up to an October questionnaire which requested input on Bethel’s "current state."  

The survey questions were developed from several weeks of conversations with more than 60 Bethel members through the Facility Task Force.  The Task Force is chartered with gathering input from our congregation and providing guidance on appropriate facility needs for today’s priorities, and Bethel’s future growth.  The survey today focuses on the future state of our church and our activities which support our mission to Connect - Grow - Serve.   

The survey is anonymous, and it is critical that we receive your unfiltered opinion.

Please take a few minutes to participate in Bethel’s planning process by completing this survey.  Surveys need to be completed no later than Sunday, December 16th.

Warm regards,

Bethel Facility Task Force 
